روان شناسی و مشاوره::
استراتژی مربیگری
These areas helped the ESB to formulate the next stage in their coaching strategy, which involved five project teams drawn from the coaching community working on key emerging areas of development:
In 2007, the coaching manager, Liz Lambert, set out their coaching strategy:
I believe that HR has a central and critical role in developing, implementing, and sustaining the coaching culture and the coaching strategy.
However, given that one of the key objectives of their coaching strategy was to 'retain high performing staff as we move through change', they realized they had not done enough to retain their high-performing internal coaches.
Underpinning the seven steps are the three pillars of a clear coaching strategy linked to the business strategy, a coaching journey linked to a culture change journey for the whole organization, and a coaching infrastructure that supports and integrates the multiple coaching activities.
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